- 结果表明:在达电绿地系统中所选种的绿化树种都具有吸碳放氧、降温增湿、防污染的作用。
- The results indicated afforest trees in dalate power station all have the function of absorbing carbon , releasing oxygen , decreasing temperature , increasing humidity and preventing air pollution .
- 在我国践行公民教育,政府应从集权过渡到放权,学校应从“政治”教育过渡到公民教育,公民则应从义务本位过渡到权利本位。
- To effectuate civil education , the government should transform its function from power centralization to power delegation , the school should turn from political education to civil education , and the citizens should shift from obligation orientation to rights orientation .
- 变化聚焦通道下粒子束束晕混沌的幂函数控制研究。
- Controlling beam halo-chaos in a variably focusing channel by the power function .
- 上海世博会事务协调局没有回复本报提出的一系列问题。
- Shanghai 's expo bureau didn 't respond to a list of questions .
- 摩天轮的首次面世是本届博览会上的一大亮点。
- The expo was notable for being the debut of the ferris wheel .
- 世界博览会的落幕和汽车制造业受到的冲击更是火上浇油。
- The end of the expo and the car-making crash make things worse .