- 太平洋蝰鱼那锯齿状的针一样的牙齿是如此之大,以至于它不能合上自己的嘴巴。
- The pacific viperfish has jagged , needlelike teeth so outsized it can 't close its mouth .
- 在外赫布里底群岛里被海风吹拂的刘易斯岛的西部海岸为锯齿状的岩石峭壁和席卷的大西洋海浪所左右。
- Photograph by louis decarlo , my shot the western shore of the windswept isle of lewis in the outer hebrides is dominated by jagged , rocky cliffs and roiling atlantic waves .
- 查特吉估计,湿婆小行星撞击的力量大到了造成被撞地区的地壳都气化的程度,这使得更热的地幔井喷出来,形成了陨石坑的高高的,锯齿状的边缘。
- The shiva asteroid impact was powerful enough to vaporize earth 's crust where it struck , allowing the much hotter mantle to well up and create the crater 's tall , jagged rim , chatterjee estimates .
- 坚毅粗犷、热爱返璞归真的男人们享受着登山运动鞋。
- Rugged men who enjoy mother nature fare well with hiking sneakers .
- 像augustschuckman这样的人是粗犷的个人主义,更相信由他们自己而不是什么代表来处理自己的事务。
- The likes of august schuckman were rugged individualists who trusted themselves more than any representative to run their affairs .
- 研究表明,在高生育力期间,女性更能被更粗犷和英俊的男人所吸引。
- Studies showed that during periods of high fertility , women are more drawn to more rugged , dominant-looking men .
- 在这雄伟粗犷的太行山中,还有这么秀丽的景色。
- In the craggy taihang mountains there could be such beautiful scenery .
- 这块水泥相当粗糙,而且很不规则。
- It was rather rough and craggy .
- 而布朗却恰恰相反,令人印象深刻,不善辞令。
- Mr brown , by contrast , can come over as craggy and brooding .
- 在这个特别的居室里.为什么我们不为自己想想呢?
- Ln this very room.why don 't we take care of it ourselves ?
- 以神之名!
- Ln the name of god !
- 你在哪找到的?在职员的柜子里.
- Where did you find that ? Ln the clerk 's closet .