- 值得称赞的是,奥巴马总统在汇率问题上不再沉溺于煽动性的言论,或是采取轻率之举。
- To his credit , president barack obama has refrained from indulging in inflammatory rhetoric or taking precipitous action on the currency issue .
- 卡普里意大利南部一岛屿,位于那不勒斯湾的南部边界。自古罗马时代以来就是一个度假胜地,以其蓝色洞穴而闻名,为该岛高而陡峭的海岸上的一处风景优美的洞穴。
- An island of southern italy on the southern edge of the bay of naples . A popular resort since roman times , it is famous for its blue grotto , a picturesque cave indenting the island 's high , precipitous coast .
- 值得称赞的是,奥巴马总统在汇率问题上不再沉溺于煽动性的言论,或是采取轻率之举。
- To his credit , president barack obama has refrained from indulging in inflammatory rhetoric or taking precipitous action on the currency issue .