- 毕博士及其同事计算出他们研发出的放映机,即使采用颜色更深的激光,所耗能量也只达一台一般的数字放映机所需的35%。
- Dr bi and his colleagues calculate that even with the boosted lasers their projector needs only 35 % of the power required to run a normal digital projector .
- 为了保证业务部门能够尽可能的利用数据仓库的价值,bi团队应该为各个部门创建一些标准报表和仪表盘。
- To ensure that business units exploit the full value of the data warehousing resource , bi teams should take an active role in creating standard reports or dashboards for each group .
- 更为困难的是跨越“鸿沟”,这要求管理层必须意识到dw/bi是一个对于整个企业都至关重要的资源,而不仅仅是it部门。
- To cross the " chasm " - which is much more difficult-executives must perceive the dw / bi environment as a mission-critical enterprise resource that they own , direct , and fund , not the it department .
- b计划将要求灵巧的技术管理和政治勇气。
- Plan b will require deft technical management and political courage .
- 就如其他避孕方法一样,b计划也是阻止怀孕。
- Like other birth control , plan b prevents pregnancy .
- 这些可以通过上面的数据包b的传输来实现。
- This is done via the byte enable mask in packet b above .