- 四月份rajan在德里做了一份辛辣的演讲,听众包括首相。
- In april mr rajan made a biting speech in delhi to an audience that included the prime minister .
- 制裁是严厉的,伊朗金融系统正被孤立,而且货币的价值也不断跳水。
- Sanctions are biting , the financial system is increasingly isolated and the currency has plunged in value .
- 贾尔斯上课时,我坐在大教室的最前排,成为他辛辣机智的最好陪衬。
- I sat in the front row of giles 's big lecture class , a perfect foil for his biting wit .
- 债券价格暴跌的直接原因似乎源于意大利政坛错综复杂的世界,而且特别是,总理西尔维奥贝卢斯科尼(silvioberlusconi)和财政部长朱利奥特雷蒙蒂(giuliotremonti)之间就紧急预算条款展开了尖刻而白热化的争执。
- The immediate cause of the sharp fall in bond prices seems to have been rooted in the byzantine world of italian politics , and in particular , an acrimonious spat between silvio berlusconi , the prime minister , and giulio tremonti , the finance minister , over provisions in an emergency budget .
- 刻薄的俄国与乌克兰之间的天然气战已经持续一周之久,现在欧盟已经放弃先前不干预的做法。
- The european union has now dropped its hands-off approach to resolving russia 's acrimonious , week-old gas war with ukraine .
- 经过数日尖刻辩论,孤注一掷的,卡扎菲军队推进到距离班加西不到100英里,安理会授权成员国“采取必需措施”保护平民,并且外交要求军事行动。
- After days of often acrimonious debate , played out against a desperate clock , as colonel qaddafi 's troops advanced to within 100 miles of benghazi , the security council authorized member nations to take " all necessary measures " to protect civilians , diplomatic code words calling for military action .
- 他在苹果的早期时代,曾因对小细节锱铢必较惹怒过同事,他批评人的言辞有时也有些尖刻,甚至有些侮辱人。
- In his early years at apple , his meddling in tiny details maddened colleagues , and his criticism could be caustic and even humiliating .
- 法国博客圈也充斥着尖刻的反萨科奇评论,从他对劳力士表的品味到气势汹汹的保镖和在犯罪上的强硬政策。
- The french blogosphere , too , is filled with caustic anti-sarkozy commentary , mocking everything from his taste for rolex watches to his overbearing posse of bodyguards and his tough policies on crime .
- 为什么刻薄的同事会带来这么不健康的影响?
- Why are caustic co-workers so unhealthy ?