- mccain先生提出与对手的鲜明对比。
- Mr mccain drew sharp contrasts with his opponent .
- 但是这在很大程度上取决于他的对手是谁。
- But much will depend on who his opponent is .
- 饥不择食的共和党人不可能要求一个更有实力的对手与之对阵。
- Hungry republicans could not ask for a more succulent opponent .
- 形成不同的竞争阵营。
- Divisive rival camps may form .
- 它的主要对手走的更远。
- Its main rival is going further .
- 与其竞争的企业艰难地追随他的脚步。
- Rival firms scrambled to follow where he led .
- 该场比赛墨西哥赢1-0。
- Mexico won the match 1-0 .
- 人们争先恐后地去看那场足球赛。
- People thronged to watch the football match .
- 因为暴雨太大了,他们把橄榄球赛取消了。
- They called off the football match because of a severe thunderstorm .
- 但这个庞大和多元化的国家,已经远非一个对手那么简单。
- But this vast and diverse country is already much more than a simple adversary .
- 乔治布什的离开还使他们少了一个共同的对手。
- And george bush 's departure from the white house has removed a common adversary .
- 法国人所称的lanouvellemaladiedelavigne(新葡萄病)在19世纪60年代仍然是个令人害怕的敌人。
- What the french called la nouvelle maladie de la vigne ( the new vine disease ) back in the 1860s remains a fearsome adversary .