- 《睡眠》杂志现在刊登了一项研究,给人们提出了一种治疗失眠的雷人方法:因特网。
- Now a new study in the journal sleep suggests a surprising treatment for the sleepless : the internet .
- 哪怕只是一夜不眠,我们都能感到睡眠被剥夺的最初的症状易怒、记忆丧失和昏昏欲睡。
- Even after one sleepless night , we can feel the first effects of sleep deprivation-irritability , memory loss , and drowsiness .
- 几乎每个人都偶尔有的失眠的时候但是如果你经常有睡眠问题,联系你的医生吧。
- Nearly everyone has an occasional sleepless night - but if you often have trouble sleeping , contact your doctor .