- 但是,如果你在2008年全球金融危机时看着这些股票的上升轨道,如果你够聪明在2009年第一次出现恢复迹象时再投资低价股票,那么你会像一个强盗一样逃走。
- But if you looked at the rising trajectory of stocks before the 2008 global financial crisis , and you were smart enough to have reinvested in lower-priced stocks at the first signs of the recovery in 2009 , then you could have made off like a bandit .
- 你不能这么做,除非你是贼、土匪或者黑社会。
- You can 't do that , unless you are a thief , a bandit or a mafia !
- 他称自己为“内衣土匪(underwearbandit)”;他把底裤套在头上,像一个面具,然后冲进别人的房间,用毛巾袭击他们!
- He called himself the " underwear bandit " ; he put pants on his head , like a mask , and went in people 's rooms and hit them with towels !
- 导游告诉我他们还发现在石棺上铭刻着一条警示语:“打开我坟墓的人会释放出一个比我更可怕的侵略者。”
- According to my guide , they also discovered engraved on the casket a warning : " who ever opens my tomb shall unleash an invader more terrible than me . "
- 触发的第一波防卫反应,某些白细胞直接地追捕入侵者。
- In the first wave , certain white blood cells go after the invader directly .
- 器官移植的最关键的问题之一就是身体能“识别”新器官,并把其做为外来入侵者进行攻击。
- One of the key problems associated with organ transplantation is the risk that the body will " recognise " the new organ as a foreign invader and attack it .
- 现在他们有了一个敌人。
- Now they have an enemy .
- 而敌人正是一只熊猫。
- The enemy is a panda .
- 间谍活动侵犯每个人的自由,每个人的隐私,而不仅仅是敌人的。
- Spying infringes everyone 's freedom , everyone 's privacy , not just that of the enemy .
- 传记作家戈登鲍克(gordonbowker)在最新的乔伊斯传记中也记录了传主花钱大手大脚、理财能力差的毛病,但是鲍克对乔伊斯给予了更多理解。
- In a new biography , " james joyce , " gordon bow ker also charts his subject 's spendthrift habits and financial fecklessness , but with greater understanding .
- “这个联系使人惊奇,”斯特莱克说:“因为梦(也被称为快速眼动睡眠)常被认为是大脑重演和分析白天经历的方式。”
- This link is a surprise , says stry ker , as dreams , also known as rapid eye-movement sleep , are often thought of as the brain 's way of replaying and analysing the day 's experiences .