- 伊拉克21年来一直游离在欧佩克配额系统之外。
- Iraq has been outside opec 's quota system for 21 years .
- 对于那些寻求新额度的国际机构投资者而言,短期考量是个问题。
- For those international institutions seeking new quota , the shorter-term considerations are an issue .
- 由于贷款额度几乎用尽,平均来看,2009年和2010年第四季度新增贷款数量只占当年贷款总量的15%。
- With their loan quota almost exhausted , in 2009 and 2010 fourth-quarter new loans averaged just 15 % of the total for the year .
- 而今天,那种规范已经没有了。
- Today that norm has dissolved .
- 那里经常有一种令人窒息的标准。
- So often there is a deadening norm .
- 因此未来的回报很可能也比之前的标准低。
- So future returns are likely to be lower than the previous norm .
- 此次任命曾遭共和党反对,他们认为,他将实行配给医保的措施。
- His nomination had been held up by republicans , who say he will ration health care .
- 食品定量供应卡20世纪80年代时在巴基斯坦就几乎废弃不用了。
- Food ration cards in pakistan were mostly abandoned in the 1980s .
- 定量您的在线时间,比如每两小时一次检查电子邮件。
- Ration your time online , for instance only checking email once every two hours .
- 去年,拉加德宣称她支持在欧洲公司董事会中引入女性限额这一极具争议的想法。
- Last year , lagarde declared that she backed the controversial idea of introducing female quotas into the boards of european companies .
- 今天,在按指标分配融资之际,一个非正式的信贷市场繁荣起来。
- Today , with quotas rationing access to finance , there is a flourishing informal market in credit .
- 一些欧洲国家已经在公司董事会定下女性董事人数指标,其他国家也许会效仿其做法。
- Some european countries have already introduced quotas to get more of them on company boards and others may follow .