- 由伦敦大学帝国理工学院公共卫生部门的paulelliott及其同事领导了宏量/微量营养元素与血压国际研究(intermap)发现消费更多葡萄糖和果糖的人血压往往更高。
- The international study of macro / micronutrients and blood pressure ( intermap ) led by paul elliott and colleagues from the school of public health at imperial college london found people who used more glucose and fructose tended to have higher blood pressure .
- 相比之下,glg还有40多个基金和更加多样化的组合,包括只是长期的,宏观的和新兴市场的基金。
- In contrast glg has over 40 funds and a more varied bag of tricks , including long-only , macro and emerging-market funds .
- 第二种猜测,运动是宏观的,就只有在微观里去寻找答案。
- The second speculation is that since motion is macro , the answers can only be found in the micro world .