- 游泳时在妊娠后期最好的锻炼方式之一。
- Exercise in later states in pregnancy .
- 你的身体准备好怀孕了吗?
- Is your body ready for pregnancy ?
- 那是否有其它对孕期和鱼的指导原则吗?
- Are there other guidelines for pregnancy and fish ?
- 直到怀孕的第8周,人类胚胎的大脑都看起来像女性的。
- Until the eighth week of gestation every human fetal brain looks female .
- 食用鱼肝油的那组妇女拥有较低的早产率,尤其是怀孕34周以前的早产。
- Women in the fish-oil group had lower rates of pre-term births , particularly births earlier than 34 weeks of gestation .
- 在怀孕的最后3个月,胎儿的耳朵已经发育成熟到可以听到一些声音,包括它妈妈的声音。
- In the last 3 months of gestation , a fetus 's ears have developed enough to pick up sounds , including its mother 's voice .
- 小女孩终于弄明白她的狗狗想要干什么,怀孕的狗是想要救她。
- The young girl finally understood what her dog wants-her pregnant dog was trying to help her .
- 初孕妇女是特别脆弱的。
- Newly pregnant women are particularly vulnerable .
- 这并不只是针对怀孕的妇女。
- And that 's not just pregnant women .