- 委员会将于10月宣布获奖者。
- The committee will announce the winner in october .
- 爱尔康的独立董事委员会批准了这笔交易。
- Alcon 's independent director committee recommended approval .
- 他在周一对诺贝尔颁奖委员会表示。
- He said told the prize-giving committee on monday .
- 想想那个非民选的欧盟委员会吧。
- Consider the unelected european commission .
- 每次带给你一个买主,你就给他们支付佣金。
- Every time they send you a buyer , you pay them a commission .
- 欧盟委员会亦在敦促作出改变。
- The european commission is also urging change .
- 保守观点是否会在其理事会中占据上风?
- Would conservative voices on its governing council prevail ?
- 他们看起来就像一个束手无策的委员会。
- Theirs looked like a council of the powerless .
- 这可增加理事会决议的权威性和合法性。
- That could add authority and legitimacy to council decisions .
- 翻过这一页,抛弃基地组织和它的骨干。
- Turn the page and cast aside the book of al-qaeda and its stalwarts .
- 我将不只是我知道每个人唾弃!
- I will not just cast aside everyone I knew !
- 该报告宣扬先发制人的战争政策,将多边主义的限制抛诸一边,这意味着美国可能永久享有霸权。
- This promised permanent us hegemony promulgated a doctrine of preventive war and cast aside the constraints of multilateralism .
- 今年无疑是个糟糕的年头。
- This year is certainly bad .
- 财政乘数无疑很有趣。
- Fiscal multipliers are certainly fun .
- 当然政策伴随着风险。
- Certainly the policy carries risks .
- 这实际上是什么意思?
- What does this actually mean ?
- 我实际上挺享受这个过程。
- I enjoyed the process actually .
- 这实际上是相当清楚的。
- That is actually quite clear .
- 他们表示,孩子们仍在发烧、无精打采、毫无食欲。
- They say the children remain feverish , listless and without appetite .
- 你是不是干着一份为按部就班者设计的工作,却因为自己是突击作业者而感到枯燥乏味,无精打采?
- Are you in a job that 's designed for a plodder , bored and listless because you 're really a burster ?
- 简有点无精打采,她心里一片茫然,只有不满的火苗时时喷射出来。
- Jane was listless , her mind a blank with vivid little jets of dissatisfaction firing off in it .