- 最好的赞美该是言之有物的。
- The best praise is specific .
- 人们表扬你哪方面你做得好?
- What did people praise you on doing ?
- 可是赞扬是必不可少的。
- But praise must be given .
- 我一直将之视为一种赞美。
- I always treat it as a compliment .
- 咱来讨论讨论一句挖苦的恭维吧!
- Talk about a backhanded compliment !
- 这真的是一种恭维吗?
- Is that really a compliment ?
- 但是也是在本周,乔治,布什总统介人此事,称赞其兄为保持舒阿佛夫人生命所做出的努力。
- But this week , too , president george bush stepped in to commend his brother 's efforts to keep mrs schiavo alive .
- 不过抛去这些不说,价格调控“应该得到很少的赞扬”。
- But beyond that , price controls have " little to commend them . "
- 科伦威尔喜欢并非常敬佩他的竞争对手凯瑟琳,之后他还赞扬了安妮为自己辩护时的智慧和不屈精神。
- Later cromwell , who liked worthy opponents and had respected katherine , would commend the intelligence and spirit with which anne defended herself .
- 哈耶克用这一点来颂扬市场中的“看不见的手”,这只手就是经济学个体追求自身利益所带来的意想不到的后果。
- Hayek used it to extol the virtues of the invisible hand of the marketplace , which was the unintended consequence of economic agents pursuing their self-interest .
- 这一点正是用来颂扬相当程度上依赖债务融资的私人股权其优点的一个论据。
- This is one of the arguments used to extol the merits of private equity , which relies heavily on debt finance .
- 我们以自由市场的名义,制造出了一个怪物,而它却有可能毁灭这个我们所颂扬的自由市场。
- In the name of free markets , we created a monster that threatens to destroy the very free markets we extol .