But this week , too , president george bush stepped in to commend his brother 's efforts to keep mrs schiavo alive .
But beyond that , price controls have " little to commend them . "
Later cromwell , who liked worthy opponents and had respected katherine , would commend the intelligence and spirit with which anne defended herself .
I want to commend my friend , your president , the trustees of this great university , for understanding and believing in the importance of educational exchanges .
There is much to commend this approach .
You almost want to commend the bad guys for exploiting android 's media weakness to trick people into installing this app .
Make note of the progress you have made commend your efforts and always be on the lookout for ways to reward your creativity .
" I haven 't seen anything quite like that and I commend the man for his admissions , " victoria police chief commissioner ken lay told fairfax radio , according to the australian associated press .