- 我们对那些在光照派中“迷失”的灵魂们做出的补救也不是没有成功。
- Our call to your " lost " souls in the illuminati has not been without success .
- 火炬木:失落的灵魂几乎是这里!
- Lost souls torchwood : lost souls is almost here !
- 她所熟悉的人是拷问者们,或者是她被辱骂童年的发射物?;他们和其他在这片精神世界里失落的灵魂用喧嚣影响着alison的注意力,当她试图记录下她的人生故事。
- Her familiars are the torturers - or projections - of her abusive childhood ; they and the other lost souls of the spirit world clamour for alison 's attention as she tries to record her life story .
- 这次停电给印度本已危机四伏的电力行业又添新愁。
- The blackout adds to an array of woes in india 's crisis-ridden power sector .
- 与巴西共用大坝的巴拉圭也遭受了大停电。
- Paraguay , which shares the dam with brazil , also suffered a major blackout .
- 弗吉尼亚州州长说,该州这次停电从规模上讲堪称史上第二大,并警告称可能一周内都不会恢复供电。
- Virginia 's governor called the blackout in his state its second-largest ever and warned that electricity might not be restored for a week .