- 这个夯砣很沉,你还是换个轻的吧。
- This heavy end of the rammer is too heavy . You 'd better change to a lighter one .
- 忽然发现,硪的心就像一个草莓!
- Suddenly discovered that , the rammer heart likes a strawberry !
- 硪不想再浪费我们的时间了。
- The rammer did not want to waste our time again .
- 要求统计机构、统计人员或者其他机构、人员伪造、篡改统计资料的。
- Requiring statistics institutions , statisticians or other institutions or persons to fabricate or tamper with statistical data .
- 窜改审判的证据是非法的。
- It is illegal to tamper with evidence for a trial .
- 既然有必要改变一个人的记忆或者窜改文字记录,那末也就有必要忘掉你曾经那样做过。
- And if it is necessary to rearrange one 's memories or to tamper with written records , then it is necessary to forget that one has done so .
- 自从美元对欧元和英磅的比价开始坚挺,出口业已开始逐渐萎缩。
- Exports have fallen since the dollar started to strengthen against the euro and the pound .
- 这也解释了为何英镑会走强。
- This also explains the strength of the pound .
- 这款手机重量略低于一磅。
- It weighed slightly under a pound .
- 把柱子周围的土夯实。
- Tamp the soil around the post .
- 如果利率能使实际通胀低于通胀目标,那么想要打压过度借贷的中央银行是不会提高利率的。
- A central bank that wants to tamp down excessive borrowing will not raise interest rates if it pushes inflation below target .
- 在此作者建议一个简单的方法:先清洗被叮咬的地方,然后冷敷以抑制炎症并使神经感觉迟钝。
- The authors recommend a simple approach : clean the area , and use a cold pack to tamp down inflammation and numb the nerves .
- 摘要目的观察严重肝脏损伤行肝周填塞法的治疗效果。
- Objective to observe the therapeutic effect of peripheral hepatic tamping on severe hepatic injury .
- 目前,基础设施建设将精力集中在充分利用资金上,并不愿意为稳固的、全面的安全措施埋单。
- So far utilities have been so focused on tamping costs that they haven 't been willing to pay for robust across-the-board security measures .
- 紧缩的信贷和更加分化的产权投资市场也许会形成,没有任何生意可以单独完成:只有夯实供给才能调整对于未来的预期前景。
- Tightening credit and a more discriminating equity market may be accomplishing what no business would do on its own : tamping down on supply to moderate the prospect of a future bust .
- 科学家警告,由于全球暖化导致海水温度变化,飓风的强度和频率可能会增加。
- As global warming tampers with the temperature of ocean waters , scientists warn that hurricanes are likely to barrel in with greater force and frequency .
- 一个关于防晒指数如何篡改防晒霜的观点的例子是,随着防晒指数的增加,你实质上并没有得到更好地防护。
- One example of how this perspective on sunscreen tampers with spf is that as the numbers increase , you 're not really buying substantially better protection .