- 而天赋只是成功的远房外甥。
- Talent is merely success 's distant cousin .
- 看看阿拉斯泰尔所拥有的才能。
- Look at the talent alastair has .
- 您最想具有的天赋是什么?
- Which talent would you most like to have ?
- 这是与生俱来的还是社会分化呢?
- Is this innate or from socialization ?
- 相信你具有天生的幽默感。
- Trust in your innate sense of humor .
- 最后,民主将一定证明它与生俱来的强大力量。
- In the end democracy will surely prove its innate strength .
- 独立学校和公共资金支持的学校都应得到税收减免的帮助,以便增加对学生的资助。
- Both independent and publicly funded institutions should be helped through tax breaks to raise endowments to assist students .
- 由于资助蒙受了巨大的损失,一些美国最富裕的私立大学也在增加他们的收费。
- Some of america 's richest private universities are increasing their charges , because their endowments have suffered steep losses .