- 德国科学家近日研制出一种通过弯曲光线来隐藏物体的三维“隐形斗篷”。
- German scientists have created a three-dimensional " invisibility cloak " that can hide objects by bending light waves .
- 他肖像雕刻显示他留着拜伦式的卷发,披着一个罗曼蒂克的披风。
- His portrait engraving shows him with byronic curls , draped in a romantic cloak .
- 此外,让我们来了解这个梦境积极地一面:追赶你的那个模糊的人的披风可能镶有金边哦!
- But wait , let 's end this list on a positive note : the cloak on that shadowy figure chasing you may have a silver lining !
- 我的妻子有点不高兴,把我的大衣给扔到窗外去了。
- My wife was a bit cross , and threw my overcoat out of the window .
- 我们知道的是,丹尼斯并没有成功到达,而他的外套却到了。
- What we know for sure is that denis didn 't make it , though his overcoat did .
- 天气渐冷,不穿大衣外出不行了。
- It 's getting too cold to go out without an overcoat .
- 一到夏天,许多居民就前往科德角、纽波特海滩和罗德岛。
- In the summer many residents head to cape cod and newport beach , rhode island .
- 但你的斗篷是皮制的?
- Yet you wear a ieather cape .
- 老实说,讲这句话的时候你最好碰巧穿着一件斗篷,才有最好的效果。
- To be fair , that line only works if when you say it , you happen to be wearing a cape .