- 本文立足于为第二语言教学服务,同时反观汉语abac格式的特质。此项研究具有理论和实践双重意义。
- This paper serves the second 1 anguage teaching , meanwhile , reflect the special feature of chinese abac pattern , so this study has great theoretical and practical significance .
- 在过去的一年中,巴拉克奥巴马总统和他的教育部长,阿恩邓肯已经开始谈论很多成功教学的话题。
- Over the past year , president barack obama and his education secretary , arne duncan , have started talking quite a lot about great teaching .
- 对银行家来说,教拉丁语是一个很棒的背景。
- Latin teaching is a great background for a banker .