- 我们只是不得不非常非常小心,尤其当我们坚定断言一特定基因(与疾病)的结合。
- We just have to be very , very careful when we assert with certainly the association of a particular gene .
- 当然,坚持和重复这些一般原则是绝对必要的,无论是作为开场白或结论。
- To assert and repeat these general principles is absolutely necessary , of course , either as prologue or conclusion .
- 如果两国监管机构均继续坚持自己的规定,夹在中间的企业和投资者将在这个过程中成为牺牲品。
- If the regulators of both countries continue to assert their own rules , companies and investors caught in between will be hurt in the process .
- 托马斯杰斐逊应对此类事宜也许是比较轻松的,但是,没有任何一位现代的总统候选人胆敢公开声称自己是无信仰的或者是质疑神的存在。
- Thomas jefferson may have been relaxed about such matters , but no modern candidate for the presidency would dare to profess no faith , or to question the existence of the almighty .
- 作为一个整体,“茶党运动”的成员宣称他们一心追求削减政府开支和限制税收的理念。
- As a group , tea partiers profess an almost single-minded determination to cut government spending and limit taxation .
- 现在,克什米尔地区依然驻扎有大量的印度和巴基斯坦士兵,因为两国都宣称对其余的克什米尔地区拥有主权。
- Huge numbers of indian and pakistani soldiers remain in kashmir today as both countries profess to be the rightful authority for the rest of kashmir .
- 买入那些宣布破产公司的股票。
- Buy companies that declare bankruptcy .
- 什么时候我们能宣布胜利?
- When do we declare victory ?
- 萨利赫与众人宣称尽力调和的政策已经废弃了。
- Mr saleh and others declare that efforts at reconciliation are dead .