Thomas jefferson may have been relaxed about such matters , but no modern candidate for the presidency would dare to profess no faith , or to question the existence of the almighty .
As a group , tea partiers profess an almost single-minded determination to cut government spending and limit taxation .
Huge numbers of indian and pakistani soldiers remain in kashmir today as both countries profess to be the rightful authority for the rest of kashmir .
Privately , we 're choosing to live in sin or by our lonesomes . But publicly , we profess our interest in joining the oldest of romantic institutions .
While both sides profess a desire to deepen commercial relations , protectionist pressures are rising .
As for mr king 's hopes of spearheading a revival of centrism , americans often profess frustration with partisan politics , but seldom embrace opportunities to shake up the two-party system .
A study found men who profess their love early in a relationship are not to be trusted and that women actually prefer it when males wait to get serious .