We just have to be very , very careful when we assert with certainly the association of a particular gene .
To assert and repeat these general principles is absolutely necessary , of course , either as prologue or conclusion .
If the regulators of both countries continue to assert their own rules , companies and investors caught in between will be hurt in the process .
The whole point of blogging and a certain kind of news tweeting is to assert individual editorial judgement over the roiling internet and re-present information in a new way .
Both countries assert sovereignty in the area .
Its statesmen used to assert that germany had no independent foreign policy , only a european policy .
Council members assert that young people can start businesses even if they have little or no money or experience .
Nothing daunted , he goes on cheerily to assert that the eu may break up .
While they now assert that they knew all along that the democratic transformation of iraq would be long and hard , they were clearly taken by surprise .
Council members assert that young people can start businesses even if they have little or no money or experience . But whether those start-ups last is another matter .