- 四十年过去了,这座高楼在一片建于十九世纪、依然庄严的的建筑中仍是那么的与众不同,只是它已经落寞了,像一顶穿旧的帽子。
- Four decades later , the tower remains distinctly out of place among its stately 19th-century neighbors , but it has settled in and now looks rather old hat .
- 但是二月十四日,这位86岁的国王对庄严的王国采取了极为罕见的大胆举措---他颁布了全面的改变政府的政令。
- But in a move of rare boldness for the stately kingdom , on february 14th the 86-year-old king decreed sweeping changes in government .
- 游客在城里并不罕见,但他们通常局限在有洛可可式教堂和雄伟的海关大楼的旧港口,或者乘坐沿着礁石航行的游轮。
- Tourists were not uncommon in the city but they usually kept to the old port with its rococo churches and stately customs house , or took the organized cruises along the reef .
- 它支持了联合国强迫实施经济制裁的决定。
- It supported a un resolution imposing economic sanctions .
- 作为向纾困基金注入更多资金的交换条件,德国人将提出要价:签订新的条约,强迫欧元区国家执行更严苛的财政纪律。
- The germans will demand a price for putting more money into bail-out funds : a new treaty , imposing much tighter fiscal discipline on countries in the euro .
- 而在基督教的核心中有一个极其相异的目标:一种毁灭性的否定,不会终结于混沌的虚空而是恢复(并组织自身)成一个新的秩序,并强迫其成为现实。
- At the very core of christianity , there is a vastly different project : that of a destructive negativity , which does not end in a chaotic void but reverts ( and organises itself ) into a new order , imposing it on to reality .