- 四十年过去了,这座高楼在一片建于十九世纪、依然庄严的的建筑中仍是那么的与众不同,只是它已经落寞了,像一顶穿旧的帽子。
- Four decades later , the tower remains distinctly out of place among its stately 19th-century neighbors , but it has settled in and now looks rather old hat .
- 但是二月十四日,这位86岁的国王对庄严的王国采取了极为罕见的大胆举措---他颁布了全面的改变政府的政令。
- But in a move of rare boldness for the stately kingdom , on february 14th the 86-year-old king decreed sweeping changes in government .
- 游客在城里并不罕见,但他们通常局限在有洛可可式教堂和雄伟的海关大楼的旧港口,或者乘坐沿着礁石航行的游轮。
- Tourists were not uncommon in the city but they usually kept to the old port with its rococo churches and stately customs house , or took the organized cruises along the reef .
- 全球卫生运动总喜欢宏伟的目标。
- Global health campaigns like grand goals .
- 缅甸过去曾经放弃过一些宏伟计划。
- Myanmar has abandoned grand plans before .
- 签订如此宏伟协议的可能性有多大?
- How likely is such a grand deal ?
- 这时一名英俊的黑人青年邀请一位漂亮的金发女孩跳舞。
- Then a handsome young black man asked a pretty blond girl to dance .
- 装帧漂亮的纸质书与电子书随后就将面市。
- Handsome edited volumes and e-books will follow .
- 那个时候正是迈克尔杰克逊还长得比较漂亮的时候。
- That was a time when michael jackson still looked relatively handsome .
- 成熟以后的他,逐渐受到不同美学、哲学和神秘理论的影响,这些因素促使他走向宏伟新奇的艺术观。
- As he matured , however , he came increasingly under the influence of diverse aesthetic , philosophical , and mystical doctrines that impelled him toward an artistic vision of unprecedented grandiosity .
- 服务以人为本,华丽只不过是过眼云烟。
- Service is human oriented , grandiosity is just transient visitor .
- 或许令人颇感意外的是,一些人表示,常被指责过分傲慢和自大的自恋型领导人,如果得到有效的引导,或许正好拥有符合时代需要的品质。
- Surprisingly , perhaps , some argue that narcissistic leaders who are often blamed for their excessive self-esteem and grandiosity may have the right mix of qualities for these times , if they can be marshalled effectively .
- 您怎么能不顾您神圣的权威、所向披靡的神威,以及雄伟壮丽的天堂,把自己投入到这不公的、罪恶的、混乱的俗世?
- How could you forsake the sanctity of the celestial , the trajectory of the triumphant , and the magnificence of heavenly mansions only to immerse yourself into our injurious sinful and chaotic world ?
- 我发现了长城,我就想把它的壮丽、非凡和神秘介绍给全世界的人。
- I wanted to introduce the magnificence and the wonder and the mystery of the great wall to people around the world as I discovered it .
- 淋浴器本身光鲜华丽,有着设计精巧奇妙的铬质装置和旋钮。
- The shower itself was a photogenic magnificence , an intricate twist of chrome contraptions and knobs .