- 这个疾病还会影响到医务工作者或是帮着埋葬死者的家属。
- The disease tends to infect healthcare workers or family members who bury the dead .
- 他们把幸存者埋在哪了呢?
- Where do they bury the survivors ?
- 别把想法深埋在心理,在那儿它会发育变成憎恨和轻蔑。
- But don 't bury the thoughts in your heart where they mature into hatred and contempt .
- 在加拿大,为什么人们有时候会把植物覆盖起来?
- Why do people sometimes cover plants in canada ?
- 这本书的封面上应当有你的名字!
- This book should have your name on the cover !
- 它们的阴影一定覆盖了加拿大。
- Their shadows must cover canada .
- 这本书就放在他的枕边。
- By his head lay the book .
- 那束水仙花放在门厅的桌子上。
- The daffodils lay on the hall table .
- 呃,究竟哪只愚蠢的雌鸟会把自己的卵下到其他鸟的巢里呢?
- Like , what kind of a foolish mother bird would lay its eggs in someone else 's nest ?