- 百翰.杨同意留下来。
- Brigham young agreed to stay .
- 公司允许员工们待在家里。
- Companies allowed workers to stay home .
- 你是说要呆在家里?
- You mean you want to stay at home ?
- 计划生育政策也有例外。
- Exceptions to the policy exist .
- 每件事都有捷径可言吗?
- Do shortcuts exist to everything ?
- 这样的机构确实存在。
- Such a body does exist .
- 许多老的症结依然存在。
- Many old sticking points remain .
- 但是失业率会依然处于低位。
- But unemployment will remain low .
- 但这些风险仍是未来的事。
- But these risks remain in the future .