- 四环素和土霉素对小麦发芽率的影响。
- Effect of tetracycline and oxytetracycline on the seed germination rate .
- 土霉素葡萄糖酵母提取物选择性培养基(ogye)
- Oxytetracycline glucose yeast extract selective medium ( ogye )
- 巴基斯坦求购土霉素、富马酸亚铁、抗坏血酸。
- Oxytetracycline , ferrous fumerate , ascorbic acid .
- amaranth在有组织的交易所进行天然气期货交易,ltcm则基本上做otc交易。
- Amaranth traded natural-gas futures on an organised exchange whereas ltcm mainly operated in otc contracts .
- 由于顾客在网站上经常给这款产品打低分,otc与生产厂家取得了联系。
- With customers regularly giving the product low scores on its site , otc contacted the manufacturer .
- 各交易所(例如芝加哥商品交易所)希望在庞大的otc市场发挥更大作用。
- Exchanges , such as the cme , are seeking a greater role in the vast otc markets .
- amaranth在有组织的交易所进行天然气期货交易,ltcm则基本上做otc交易。
- Amaranth traded natural-gas futures on an organised exchange whereas ltcm mainly operated in otc contracts .
- 由于顾客在网站上经常给这款产品打低分,otc与生产厂家取得了联系。
- With customers regularly giving the product low scores on its site , otc contacted the manufacturer .
- 各交易所(例如芝加哥商品交易所)希望在庞大的otc市场发挥更大作用。
- Exchanges , such as the cme , are seeking a greater role in the vast otc markets .