- 但事实上,他一直扮演的是一个腐败族长的角色。
- In truth , he has been acting as a corrupt chieftain .
- 沙阿还是位硬件极客,曾向英国大使询问过这样的问题:“酋长坦克的齿轮马力是多少?”
- The shah was a hardware geek . " What is the sprocket horsepower of the chieftain tank ? " He asked the british ambassador .
- 一名当地的酋长问英国人:“你们已率领军队进入了阿富汗,可你们怎么才能把它带出阿富汗呢?”
- A local chieftain inquired of the british , " you have brought an army into the country . But how do you propose to take it out again ? "
- 这个面包烤得不错。
- This bread toasts well .
- 祝酒辞是平平淡淡的。
- The toasts were flat .
- 布什总统与来访的英国女王伊丽莎白二世陛下交换祝酒辞。
- President bush exchanges toasts with her majesty queen elizabeth ii .