- 为什么你对外向者怀有偏见?
- Why are you prejudiced against extroverts ?
- 人们对她有成见。
- People were prejudiced against her .
- 他们对年长一些的申请人抱有成见。
- They are prejudiced against older applicants .
- 这里显示的是一个片面的有偏见的景象。
- A partial and biased picture is presented .
- 但既激进又无力的结果却表明,迄今为止的辩论是多么失之偏颇。
- But that the outcome is at once radical and weak is a measure of how biased the debate so far has been .
- 从本质上讲,任何时间在一组中的大多数人都是在同一个方向偏颇,它可能不会做出好的决策。
- Essentially , any time most of the people in a group are biased in the same direction , it 's probably not going to make good decisions .
- 她说自己一开始就很不顺,在面试中努力表现得很热情又不自以为是,因为日本雇主们看重的平衡点,他们需要的就是努力工作、随大流的人。
- She said she started off on the right foot , trying to appear enthusiastic at interviews without being strongly opinionated - the balance that appeals to japanese employers , who seek hard-working conformists .
- 因为有了固执己见的巨富们的加入,美国的争论才充实起来,这为其他国家的富人做出了榜样。
- All this is healthy . Political debate in america is enriched by opinionated tycoons . The moneyed in other countries should follow their example
- 鲁比奥则引用自己身为古巴移民儿童的故事,表示没有美国社会流动,他可能长大后还是个“非常固执己见的酒保”罢了。
- Mr rubio invoked his story as the child of cuban migrants , saying that without american social mobility , he would probably have grown up a " very opinionated bartender " .