- 随便在墨西哥城市散步一会儿你就会注意到有一种像一大群愤怒的蜜蜂一样发出的嗡嗡声。
- Stroll around any mexican city for a while and you will notice a background hum like a swarm of angry bees .
- 空调开启和关闭的时候你会注意到嗡嗡的声音,但在运行中你就很少注意到。
- You notice the hum of the air-conditioner when it comes on and when it goes off but not in between .
- 经典就是将当下的嘈杂之音化作嗡嗡背景声的作品,而这背景声同时也是经典存在所不可或缺的。
- A classic is a work which relegates the noise of the present to a background hum , which at the same time the classics cannot exist without .
- 总理一职通常有的是一个图书馆般的寂寥,而不是权力中心的嗡鸣。
- The chancellery often has the hush of a library , not the buzz of a centre of power .
- 在加沙,曾经空荡荡的街道上到处都是面露喜色的路人和工人,持续了一周的以色列监视无人机的嗡嗡声终于从耳边消失。
- In gaza , streets that had been empty were filled with pedestrians and workers in a celebratory mood , and the background buzz of israeli surveillance drones was absent for the first time in a week .
- 这些儿童会被教室的吵闹声搞得精疲力尽,也会被萤光灯发出的吱嗡声所打扰。
- Such kids may become exhausted by classroom noise or be distracted or disturbed by the flicker and buzz of fluorescent light .
- 这两家公司目前正在合作开发“雄蜂”无人机。
- The two companies are already jointly developing the male drone .
- 占领紧随其后的分别是赤字、碎裂、雄蜂和非素食。
- Occupy was followed by deficit , fracking , drone , and non-veg .
- 据说,他已经在2008年11月被美国“雄蜂战机”炸死,也有些人认为他还活着。
- He is thought to have been killed by a us drone strike in november 2008 , but some believe he is still alive .