- 需求的呼声此起彼伏,当韩国某个乡镇的政府机构对外宣称他们将销售便宜的腌制卷心菜时,咨询数量如洪水般的涌进当地网站,网站差点因此而瘫痪。
- Such is the clamour for the stuff that when the municipal authority of one rural town announced that it would sell cheap packets of cabbage in brine , its website was inundated with inquiries and crashed .
- 从客厅传来的喧闹声。
- The clamour of voices from the living-room .
- 因此,消费者似乎没有大声喧哗要打破钻石的垄断。
- There seems to be no consumer clamour to break up the diamond cartel .
- 今年早些时候,一个极左团体组织了一场对萨尔茨耶巴登和费斯塞特拉的“阶级观光”巴士游,从而引发了媒体的喧嚣。
- A leftist group caused a media hubbub earlier this year by organising a " class safari " bus tour of saltsj baden and fisks tra .
- 在越来越嘈杂的喧闹声中她的声音几乎听不见了。
- Her voice was barely audible in the growing hubbub .
- 院子里一片吵闹声。
- A hubbub was heard in the courtyard .
- 并不是每个在场的人都愿意屏息倾听,所以抱有希望的投资者必须用声音盖过观众的喧闹。
- Not everyone in the room is ready to shut up and listen , so the hopefuls must battle against the din .
- 医院里的喧闹声音似乎消散了,病房里有的只是沉默。
- The din of the hospital seemed to dissipate , leaving a wincing silence in the room .
- 城市居民往往受困于喧嚣的交通噪音。
- City dwellers compete with the din of traffic to be heard .
- 你用网球拍给了它一下,结果它变成雪人了。
- You hit it with a tennis racket , and it turns into a snowman .
- 毕竟对于像老手机充电器和一块歪掉的网球拍之类的东西保持的那份纠结的心情有什么意思呢?
- What is the point of keeping a tangle of old mobile-phone chargers and a warped tennis racket ?
- 球拍和球弦的革新以前可能为比赛带来了更多的力量,但如今球员们自身要为今天发生的变化负责。
- While innovations in racket and string technology have previously introduced more power into the game , the players themselves are responsible for the changes happening today .