- 在普通的度假者眼中今夏的彭塔阿拉托斯卡纳海岸的一处高级港口,与以往没有什么不同。
- For the average holiday-maker , this summer at punta ala , a classy marina on the tuscan coast , has seemed like any other .
- 2008年底和2009年初以色列进攻加沙时造成的破坏现在大部分均已得到修复,哈马斯经济部长alarefati如是说,说话时他尽量让自己的声音盖过隔壁建设施工的嘈杂声。
- The damage inflicted by israel during its assault on gaza in late 2008 and early 2009 has been largely repaired , says hamas 's economy minister , ala refati , struggling to make himself heard above the din of building next door .
- 世界卫生组织的alaalwan说:即使是简单举措也会造成很大影响,比如减少食物中的盐分,提供便宜的药品以及提高烟草税。
- Ala alwan of the world heath organisation suggests that even simple steps can make a difference , such as reducing salt in foods , offering inexpensive drugs and raising tobacco taxes .