- 结论新乡市市售的散装盐腌菜中亚硝酸盐含量基本合格。
- Objective to determine the nitrite content of unpacked salted vegetables marketed in xinxiang city .
- 脱水蔬菜、速冻蔬菜、保鲜蔬菜、盐渍食品。
- Dried vegetables , quick-frozen vegetables , fresh vegetables , salted food .
- 杏片柚香青菜或是雪菜肉碎豆腐或是宝岛斋豆腐。
- Fried vegetables with pomelo sacs , almond flakes or braised salted cabbage with minced pork & japanese bean curd or formosan vegetarian bean curd .
- 即便是在罗马圆形剧场对面的警察,也会在他们懒洋洋地调查可疑游客时,吃一盘颜色鲜亮的泡菜,配以橄榄和面包。
- Even the policemen opposite the roman amphitheatre were tucking into a plate of brightly coloured pickles with olives and bread as they idly surveyed the odd tourist .
- 此外还出售意大利脆饼、西葫芦腌菜、凉拌卷心菜丝和蒜香甜红椒。
- Urban pantry also sells biscotti , zucchini pickles , coleslaw and garlic-marinated sweet red peppers .
- 今天它以面向公众,门票免费,但得花钱买腌菜。
- Today it is open to the public ; entrance is free , but they charge for pickles .