- 心脏有杂音,或是心跳急剧加速跳动。
- A heart murmur or a rapid or pronounced heartbeat
- 很多心脏杂音是良性的,对孩子的健康无害。
- Many heart murmurs are innocent , meaning the murmur isn 't dangerous to your child 's health .
- 这些患者有类似的体检结果:粘膜苍白,心动过速,可能有脾肿大或心脏杂音,或两者兼有。
- These patients will have similar physical examination findings , pale mucous membranes , tachycardia , and possibly splenomegaly or a new heart murmur , or both .
- 他们声音都很小,除了我的儿子。
- They all mumble , except for my son .
- 你可知道你是在喃喃自语?
- You mumble , you know that ?
- 这位老妇人说起话来常常含糊不清。
- When the old lady speak she often mumble her word .
- 围绕奖金的这场争吵,会使一些人低声抱怨暴民统治和反商业情绪。
- The row over bonuses has led some to mutter darkly about mob rule and the rise of anti-business sentiment .
- 土耳其将军们开始抱怨,如果当年加入的不是北约,而是华约的话,也许他们在布鲁塞尔的命运将会更好一些。
- Turkish generals started to mutter that they might have done better in brussels if they had joined the warsaw pact , not nato .
- 男孩又一次嘟囔起来。
- The boy began again to mutter .
- 腐败和过低的补偿使很多老百姓产生抱怨。
- Many grumble about corruption and poor compensation .
- 为什么他们会对伦敦一流的公共交通系统发这么多的牢骚?
- Why do they grumble so much about their wonderfully extensive public transport system ?
- 古巴人现在可以比过去更为公开地发牢骚,学术争论的空气也比过去自由一点儿。
- Cubans grumble far more openly than they used to , and academic debate has become a bit freer .
- 他感到难为情时说话就含糊不清了。
- He always mumbles when he 's embarrassed .
- 赖利在她喃喃自语的气息。
- Riley mumbles under her breath .
- 他沉思着喃喃自语,同时带着最最温柔、最阴险的微笑望着我。
- As he mumbles this meditatively he looks at me with the softest , the most insidious smile .