- 每次实验开始之前,研究人员都会在实验区域周边清理出隔火带。
- At the start of each experiment the group cuts a fire break along the perimeter of the area .
- 这支队伍在房子周围巡逻着,最初的十五分钟没有任何意外发生。
- For the team patrolling the perimeter , the first fifteen minutes passed without incident .
- 消防员赶到后,他们不得不用剪线钳来打开周围的门,而在打开锁死的牢房门时同样遇到了困难。
- Once firemen arrived , they had to use wire cutters to get through the perimeter gates , and had trouble opening locked cell doors .
- 奇特之处:这是一栋引人注目的环形建筑,最大周长只比它的高度少了2米。
- How it 's strange : the building 's roundness is striking ; its maximum circumference is only two meters less than its height .
- 先前的研究也已经证明了自闭症儿童大脑的“过度生长”,但这些研究都是关于大脑圆周的测量或磁共振成像,专家说。
- Prior research has also documented " brain overgrowth " in autistic children , but those studies were done by measuring brain circumference or mris , experts said .
- 世界上最大的科学实验大型强子对撞机(lhc)建在日内瓦外的一个圆形隧道,周长27千米。
- The lhc , the world 's biggest scientific experiment , has been built just outside geneva in a circular tunnel with a circumference of 27km .
- 所以那些认为周长重要的女性也许对最理想的周长是多少会有不同的看法。
- So women who felt penis girth mattered may have different ideas of what the ideal penis girth is .
- 不可取:横条纹和大块图案会显腰身粗壮。
- Avoid : horizontal stripes and larger motifs that accentuate girth .
- 556名,年龄在19-49岁之间的女性在一份调查中被问道小弟弟长度和周长重不重要。
- A survey of 556 women between the ages of 19-49 asked participants whether penis length and girth matter .