- 他是在那么做,但他与莎士比亚的争吵走得更深。
- He is doing that , but his quarrel with shakespeare goes further .
- 由于家庭的压力,这对恋人经常吵架。
- Due to family 's pressure , the couple quarrel very often .
- 吵架归吵架,双方发现他们参与了同一个研究项目。
- Despite their quarrel , the two found themselves working on a research project together .
- 第二次的争吵格外令人懊恼。
- This second wrangle is particularly unfortunate .
- 每个国家都有众多强大的团体在讨价还价,争吵不休。
- In any country powerful lobbies bargain and wrangle .
- 但除了直截了当的去留问题之外,任何其他问题都可能导致有破坏性的争吵。
- But anything other than a straight in-or-out question may result in a damaging wrangle .
- 这个关于历史性的亚当和夏娃的争辩不仅仅是另一场激烈的口角而已。
- This debate over a historical adam and eve is not just another heady squabble .
- 即使我刚和姐姐大吵了一场,她也总能使我舒怀微笑。
- She always made me smile , even after sis and I had just had a big squabble .
- 但城里存在许多其他的基督教派,信徒之间时有摩擦,即便教士之间产生口角,也都相安无事。
- But many other christian confessions exist in the town , and the faithful rub along alright , even if the clergy squabble .