- 如果没有当今的新一代年轻选民(他们并不觉得一位集黑人、白人血统于一身的参选人有什么特别之处),就不会出现如此众多30岁以下美国人登记并投票支持民主党的事。
- Without the arrival of today 's generation of new , young voters , who see a biracial candidate as nothing particularly out of the ordinary in the america they have grown up knowing , there wouldn 't have been the same kind of historic outpouring of registrations and votes from newly minted democrats under the age of 30 .
- 两次特纳大奖提名者艺术家威利多尔蒂和布拉德利是一代人,他记得德里变成了一个现代艺术的荒漠,直到在80年代早期果园画廊出现。
- The twice-turner-prize-nominated artist willie doherty is part of the same generation as bradley and he remembers derry being a modern art desert until the orchard gallery came along in the early 80s .
- 甲壳虫那个年代的音乐家们通过他们的努力使音乐世代流传。那么嘻哈文化和饶舌艺术能否也同样持续几代呢?
- The musicians of the beatles generation have managed to make music that lasts for generations . Will the same be true of hip-hop and rap ?
- 酒店大亨利昂娜赫尔姆斯利对人类同伴们的评价并不高,但她却非常喜爱狗。
- The billionaire hotelier did not hold a high opinion of her fellow humans ; but she did love dogs .
- 马丁图皮是列格坦伦敦研究院的高级研究员。
- Mr. tupy is a senior fellow at the legatum institute in london .
- kedrosky是kauffman基金的高级研究员、一家机构资金管理公司的顾问。
- Kedrosky is senior fellow at the kauffman foundation and an adviser to institutional money-management firms .
- 此外,好像他并没对他的同辈学人有过失礼之举,是吧?
- Besides , it 's not likely that he 's been disrespectful to his peers , right ?
- 那为什么有别于其他同等水平的发达国家,美国的肥胖率直到20世纪80年代才开始加速上升呢?
- But why did the obesity rate accelerate in the united states beginning in the 1980s , setting us apart from our peers in other developed countries ?
- 然而,印度需要的不仅仅是与其他国家以同等速度发展,因为它所面临的挑战要更加严峻。
- India , however , needs to be more than a match for its peers because the existential challenges it faces are more severe .
- 并非所有的操作都是平等的。
- Not all actions are equal .
- 在抚养孩子上,妈妈和爸爸角色相等?
- Equal roles for moms and dads in child-rearing ?
- 酒吧的标注次数差不多和标注艺术和娱乐的次数相等。
- Bars were about equal with the arts and entertainment category .