- 他觉得营业员一定也察觉了他那可耻的秘密。
- He felt that the clerk must surely scent his shameful secret .
- 经济体制曾让人引以为豪的特征成了可耻的缺陷。
- Features of the economic system that were once sources of pride become shameful flaws .
- 这种认为性天生肮脏可耻是这个神学教派与生俱来的观念。
- The very idea that sex is inherently dirty or shameful is borne from this theological tradition .
- 当伊拉克上诉法院推翻了政府禁止数百名候选人参选下个月举行的议会选举的可耻决定时我们如释重负,大多数被禁止的候选人是著名的逊尼派穆斯林。
- We were relieved when an iraqi appeals court overturned a disgraceful government decision to ban hundreds of candidates , many of them prominent sunni muslims , from participating in next month 's parliamentary elections .
- 他们只是以尽可能可耻的方式证明了自己的可耻。
- They are simply confirming , in the most disgraceful terms possible , their own disgrace .
- 这种歧视不仅是可耻的,也是对才能的愚蠢的浪费。
- Such discrimination is not only disgraceful , but also a stupid waste of talent .
- 当局表示zaidi上演了一出没有符合他的记者身份的“野蛮并且可耻的闹剧”,并要求他所工作的电视台道歉。
- The government said zaidi had carried out " a barbaric and ignominious act " that was not fitting of the media 's role and demanded an apology from his television station .
- 昨天,雷曼兄弟的大厦轰然倒塌;今天,国际货币基金组织总裁以一种不光彩且震惊世人的方式屈服。
- Yesterday the house of lehman brothers fell , they may think , today the head of the i.m.f. succumbs in an ignominious and shocking manner .
- 当然,从阿富汗不光彩的撤兵将是正好证明我们正在衰落极好的例子,挫伤军队的士气,向我们全世界的朋友显示我们不可依靠,并且证明我们敌人的决心比我们大。
- Of course , one could make an excellent case that an ignominious withdrawal from afghanistan is precisely what would lead to our decline , by demoralizing our military , signaling to our friends worldwide that we cannot be counted on and demonstrating that our enemies have greater resolve than we do .