- 通常我早餐煮鸡蛋吃,在外边吃午餐,晚餐吃油炸玉米粉饼,意大利面食,或者汉堡牛肉饼。
- Typically I would cook eggs for breakfast , eat out for lunch , and cook a quesadilla , pasta , or a burger for dinner .
- 这并不是第一个围绕cook和一个高关注度的ceo职位的谣言了。
- This isn 't the first time a rumor swirled around cook and a high profile ceo gig .
- cook和联合创始人jasonhumphries更愿意把howrandom看作一种社会实验而不是一种商业行为。
- Cook and co-founder jason humphries think of howrandom as more of a social experiment than a business .
- 比萨皮和比萨酱的食谱来自厨师画报(cooksillustrated)。
- Pizza crust and sauce recipe from cooks illustrated .
- 随着诺曼入侵者以及他们旗下的法国厨师登陆英格兰,这个单词进入了英语。
- This word arrived in english with the norman invasion and all those french cooks .
- 历史学家利维认为,当厨师在社会上地位崇高的时候,罗马帝国就开始衰落了。
- The historian livy thought the roman empire started to decay when cooks acquired celebrity status .