- 由于有0.92的数量(92%的月盘会进入半阴带),所以在这次月蚀处于最大状态时,应该可以检测到月偏食时,满月整体亮度的一些轻微降低。
- With a magnitude of 0.92 ( 92 percent of the lunar disk will enter the penumbra ) , it should be possible to detect some very slight reduction in the overall brightness of the full moon during maximum eclipse .
- 结论:急性缺血性脑血管病发生时间与缺血半暗带之间对应关系存在个体差异。
- Conclusion : there is great individual difference lies in the relationship between time onset of ischemic stroke and the corresponding penumbra .
- 观看月偏食的技巧在于当月亮进入其半阴带时,你能否真正地能检测到月亮的亮度变化。
- The trick for observers is to see if you can visually detect a difference in the brightness of the moon when it 's entered the penumbra .