- 这无疑是个勇敢的姿态。
- It was doubtless a brave gesture .
- 那些警备队的小伙子们是很勇敢的。
- Those coast guard guys are brave .
- 警察不得不在数月里保持勇敢。
- The policeman had to be brave over months .
- 虽然船员们英勇地向着西伯利亚前进,但最终三十三名探险人员中有超过一半的人丧生。
- Although the crew made a valiant sprint for siberia , more than half the 33 men on the expedition perished .
- t的真实声音项目是一个勇敢的尝试,其目的是在当前的网络架构下尽可能的改进电路交换的语音质量。
- At & t true voice was a valiant attempt to improve circuit switched voice quality as much as possible in the context of current network architecture .
- 否则,人群是不受这些自然轻松地在广场上前行的演员的英勇表现的影响的。
- Otherwise , the crowd remains unaffected by the valiant efforts of the actors who move with a natural ease across the esplanade .
- 我想要成为的那种勇敢的人慢慢地缩了回去。
- The courageous person I wanted to be slowly shrunk into her shell .
- 美国怀俄明州黄石国家公园里,一只勇敢的野鼠与一头身量一百倍的郊狼对峙。
- A courageous vole takes on a coyote a hundred times his size in yellowstone national park , wyoming .
- 父亲勇敢的榜样给年轻的herron灌输了这样的信念:公职人员是效力上帝的一种好方式。
- That courageous example instilled in the younger herron a belief that public office is a good way to serve the lord .