- 他们让疲倦而没有生气的球员恢复活力。
- They rejuvenate tired and stale employees .
- 如果你觉得疲倦这就是个问题了。
- The trouble is if you are tired .
- 沃尔什探长觉得又累又饿。
- Inspector walsh felt tired and hungry .
- 我突然感到精疲力竭,脸部肌肉随着我的微笑疼痛起来。
- I 'm suddenly exhausted ; the muscles of my face ache with smiling .
- 跑完一次马拉松后瘫倒在地,筋疲力尽却热爱人生。
- Collapsing after finishing a marathon , exhausted but in love with life .
- 当时我总是筋疲力尽,有段时间还觉得做什么都没有希望。
- I was always exhausted , and some days it all felt hopeless .
- 我们的银行不是由笨蛋经营的。
- Our banks were not run by idiots .
- 我在经营一个关于个人发展的网站。
- I run a personal development website .
- 跑步完后腰立即冲浴。
- Shower right after your run .