- 她说和他们家人的通讯交流已经被切断了。
- She said communications with their extended family had been cut .
- 减少风险有两种途径。
- The risks cut two ways .
- 为什么要剪成短发呢?
- What made you cut it ?
- 尽管因人口普查而征召的临时工作的结束是拖累就业人数减少的主要原因,但经济前景的不明朗也使得企业削减招聘职位。
- While the unwinding of temporary census jobs has been a major drag on payrolls , an uncertain economic outlook has also caused businesses to pare hiring .
- 这样我削减了博客订阅量只留下必须的,我尽量少的查看邮件,我保持twitter和facebook上只有少量好友。
- So I pare my list of blogs to the essential , I barely do email , I have only a few friends on twitter and facebook .
- 在与8月末这个时间段相称的淡静而涨跌互现的交易中,股市小幅回落,交易员们削减了一些最近盈利的头寸。
- In thin and mixed trading befitting the end of august , equities are inching back , as traders pare some recently winning bets .
- 全球经济衰退中所增加的开支现在迫使各国做出这一从政治角度看几乎不可能的决定:在经济困难时期大幅度削减开支,增加税收。
- The added costs of the global recession have now forced them to do the politically unthinkable : chop social spending and raise taxes in trying economic times .
- 根据计划,这个项目要培训低收入者学会砍木头,然后把木头分发给其他穷人做燃料。
- It was designed to train low-income people to chop wood and distribute it to other poor people to burn in their stoves .
- 今年4月,沃达丰表示:到2020年它将削减一半的二氧化碳排放量;公司将主要通过提高其全球移动电话网络的能源效率来完成此目标。
- Vodafone in april said it would chop its carbon dioxide emissions in half by 2020 ; the company plans to do so largely by improving the energy efficiency of its global mobile-phone networks .
- 我可以很容易削减我的需要和渴望,扔在他们的汽车和路要走。
- I could easily whittle down my needs and wants , throw them in the car and go .
- 为了解决1亿欧元赤字,德国西部一个城市提出对娼妓课徵日税,以协助削减预算缺口的办法。
- Challenged with a 100 million euro deficit , one western german city has introduced a day tax on prostitutes to help whittle down its budget gap .
- crow和他的同事发现了三种可以确定我们地球的波长,这个发现可以帮助我们削减那急剧增长的可能适合类地生命生存的系外行星的数量。
- Crow and colleagues found three wavelengths that pegged our planet , a finding that could help whittle down the rapidly growing list of extrasolar planets to those that are potentially suitable for earth-like life .