- 英国财政大臣乔治奥斯本在今年夏天残奥会上受到另一群热情洋溢的人们的倒喝彩也就不足为奇了。
- Small wonder that george osborne , the chancellor of the exchequer , was booed by an otherwise ebullient crowd at this summer 's paralympic games .
- 不管结果怎样,这位热情洋溢且满口德语的奥廷加先生的胜利肯定会颠覆安逸的乡村休闲政治这种政治方式已经让肯尼亚自独立之后形成自身的特性。
- For better or worse , a victory for this ebullient german-speaker would certainly upset the cosy country-club politics that have characterised kenya since independence .
- 与热情地,政治上精明的ahmadinejad相比,另外三个竞选人看上去豪无生气,引不起兴趣。
- Compared with the ebullient , politically canny mr ahmadinejad , the three remaining challengers appeared drab and uninspiring .
- 我们兴高采烈的开始了我们的旅途。
- We started our journey in high spirits .
- 负责此笔交易的银行家表示,人人网在纽约举办的路演启动活动更像一场婚宴、而非投资者午餐会共有逾360人出席,其中大多数人显得兴高采烈。
- According to bankers working on the deal the new york event that kicked off the roadshow more closely resembled a wedding banquet than an investor lunch with more than 360 people present and most in high spirits .
- 他们又一次从阿克里出发,这次,众人情绪高涨。
- They all set off from acre once again in high spirits .