- 7月6日,在南非德班举行的国际奥委会第123届全会上,韩国平昌战胜德国慕尼黑和法国阿讷西,获得2018年冬季奥运会举办权。
- July 6 , held in durban , south africa 123 ioc plenary session , south korea , munich , germany and france over pyeongchang annecy , get the 2018 winter olympic games .
- 可笑的是,朝鲜早些时候碰巧还主持了一场关于裁军的联合国全体会议。
- With inadvertent silliness , north korea had earlier chaired a un plenary session on disarmament .
- 过几天我们要开中央全会,讨论城市改革,城市改革也是变,是翻天覆地的变化。
- In a few days we shall hold a plenary session of the central committee of the cpc to discuss reform in the cities . That reform will also be a change , and an earthshaking one .
- 最终的装配是在第一层。
- Final assembly is on the first floor .
- 即将卸任的议会不经审议就批准了影响深远的措施。
- The outgoing assembly also rubber-stamped other far-reaching measures .
- 伦敦议会本周的一份报告却无情指出了消极的一面。
- A report this week from the london assembly takes a sterner line .