- 补偿公司正在大赚其钱。
- Offset companies are making real money .
- 但是,这种补偿是不完全的。
- But the offset wouldn 't be complete .
- 更多职业女性的加入将有助于补偿劳动力的不足。
- More working women could help offset the decline in the labour force .
- 一个又一个的世纪以来,杰出的人类“文化进化”逐渐形成,在这个过程中需要长久的斗争来摒弃偏袒和偏见,但问题是,这些在我们继承能力中夹带的缺点和偏见并不会因为有这样的可能而被消除。
- This distinctively human " cultural evolution " was centuries in the making , and overcoming partiality and bias remains a constant struggle , but the point is that these possibilities were not foreclosed by the imperfections and partiality of the faculties we inherited .
- 例如,一个新的选举委员会,就在政变之前的骚乱中在很少的反对意见中被任命,如今面临着偏袒一方的指控。
- For example , a new election commission , appointed with little dissent in the turmoil shortly before the coup , faces accusations of partiality .
- 他们可以避免片面和偏见,因为他们的思索并不仅限于具体的个案。
- They can avoid one-sidedness and partiality because their research is not limited to concrete and individual cases .
- 相反要思考报告的偏见?
- Could it instead reflect reporting bias ?
- 它有可能巩固其长久以来的出口倾向。
- It could simply reinforce its long-standing export bias .
- 这一缺点意味着固定汇率体制有引起通货紧缩的倾向。
- This defect means fixed exchange-rate schemes have a bias towards deflation .