- 所观察到的总是若隐若现-这是由于比起密度通常随着高度减小的正常折射更为陡峭所产生的夸张效果,不应该与海市蜃楼相混淆,因为这里没有图像倒置的现象。
- What 's being observed is looming -- an exaggeration of normal refraction , produced by a steeper than usual decrease in density with height . This should not be confused with a mirage since there 's no image inversion .
- 工厂类和抽象工厂类能够被用做依赖框架,但是已经有了专门的框架,被称为反转控制容器。
- Factories and abstract factories can be used as dependency frameworks , but there are specialized frameworks for that , known as inversion of control container .
- 之后,朝廷弄臣利用相似反转的角色,对国外和朝臣们开玩笑。
- Later , court jesters took advantage of a similar inversion of roles , playing tricks on kings and courtiers .
- 与过去不同,这种结果与新兴市场金融危机时的情况截然相反。
- Unlike in the past , this event was the inverse of an emerging markets financial crisis .
- 相比之下,反向操作则可以获得7.1%的回报。
- By contrast , those that did the inverse would have garnered a return of 7.1 % .
- 他说,首先,波动率指数期权与股市表现是一种反向关系,这已经使不少毫无准备的投资者栽了跟头。
- For a start , he said , vix options have an inverse relationship to the market , something that has tripped up unsuspecting investors .
- 有办法来逆转此倾向。
- There are ways to reverse this .
- 后一种情况必然会出现逆转。
- The latter are sure to reverse .
- 利润少的情况可能会在今年逆转。
- The squeeze could reverse this year .
- 洛克希德采用了一种在v型引擎阵列上安置倒抛物线状尾翼的设计。
- The lockheed design uses an inverted parabolic shape over a v-shaped engine array .
- 在一些方面,加利福利亚现在已经颠倒了大布朗时代中优先考虑的事了。
- In some ways , california has now inverted theprioritiesof the older brown 's era .
- 这个颠倒的顺序说明这个检查只是草率的。
- The inverted sequence showed that only a cursory examination had taken place .