- 分析人士说,执政联盟必须努力赢回失去的支持,特别是那些大失所望的非马来族人,这些人举行抗议的话可能会导致不稳定。
- Analysts say the ruling coalition will have to work hard to win back the support it lost - especially among disillusioned non-malays whose protests could lead to instability .
- 众所周知,一篮子货币很难发挥作用,特别是如果其中包含不可兑换的货币的话。
- Baskets are notoriously hard to make work , especially if they include an inconvertible currency .
- 他们慢慢向你灌输儒教传统,尤其是等级和努力工作的价值。
- They instill in you the legacy of confucianism , especially the values of hierarchy and hard work .