- 制定目标并且实现它们。
- Set goals and achieve them .
- 放松并享受着旅程。
- Relax and enjoy the ride .
- 并且groupon或许错了。
- And groupon is probably wrong .
- 抗氧化剂会融入这些自由基又使他们回头无害的。
- Antioxidants will merge with these free radicals , turning them harmless .
- 过去的研究表明在星系团融合时,暗物质团会快速地穿过彼此。
- Past studies have shown that clouds of dark matter pass cleanly through one another when galaxy clusters merge .
- 但事实上,对金融高管的抨击和对自由贸易的抨击可能会融合在一起。
- But , in fact , the backlashes against high finance and free trade could merge .
- 该观点认为,那些因为规章失去工作的工人的损失也应该包括在内。
- On this view , it should also incorporate the harm suffered by workers who lose their jobs .
- 这些所谓的普通道德标准通常包含许多有组织的社会圈人士无根据的声明,从而为当时他们认可的议程辩护。
- These so called universal moral standards usually incorporate numerous baseless declarations often used by organized social circles as justification for whatever agenda they are endorsing at the time .
- 研究还使用了一个统计模型来合并专家们各自的数据,包括那些已发现生物随时间进化的速率。
- The study also employed a statistical model to incorporate expert assessments with known information about changes in rates of discovery over time .
- 如果附件一所列国家不愿意或不能采取这一措施,其他国家都会受到消极影响而不愿采取更为严肃的行动。
- If the annex I parties are unwilling or unable to do this , the rest of the world would be discouraged from taking serious action .
- 尽管没有确凿无疑的证据能够确证伊朗正在发展核武器,但人们很难对一份12页纸的附件上概括的证据做出任何其他解释。
- Although no " smoking gun " proves beyond doubt that iran is developing nuclear weapons , the evidence gathered in a 12-page annex is hard to interpret in any other way .
- 米切尔先生为新一轮谈判提出的参考协议要使双方接受以1967的边界作为最终协议的基点,其中的土地交换能让以色列吞并最接近旧边界的最大定居点,而巴勒斯坦人也可以为自己的国家获得同样多的土地。
- Mr mitchell 's proposed terms of reference for new talks would have both sides accepting the 1967 border as the basis of a final accord , with land swaps enabling israel to annex the largest settlements closest to the old border , while the palestinians would add equivalent tracts to their own state .
- 参加或者创办一个小组。
- Join or start a group .
- 我要是能参加就好了!
- If only I could join it !
- 请现在就发表评论参加这一讨论吧。
- Join the conversation by commenting now .
- 然而他们也激起了恐惧以及困惑。
- Yet they provoke fear as well as wonder .
- 这句话暗示着夫妻间的相互支持以及相互批评。
- That implies criticism as well as support .
- 我们将继续向客户和广告商提供服务。
- We continue to service customers as well as advertisers .