- 佛教戒律文献含有较多的口语材料,对汉语词汇史研究和辞书编纂有着重要意义。
- The buddhist doctvine scriptures have many colloquialism , which have immense significance to the study of of chinese vocabulary and the compliation of lexicographical works .
- 国师念甘郡自番藏经,奏请当朝康熙皇帝准颁红字藏经108部。
- Country shi niangan the county from the buddhist scriptures , presents a memorial requesting current dynasty emperor kangxi to proclaim rubrication buddhist scriptures 108 .
- 话说唐僧师徒四人西天取经一路上遇到无数妖魔鬼怪。
- As saying the monk teacher and pupil four buddhist scriptures met countless bogeymen along the way .
- 我们如果很仔细地读一部佛经。
- If we read a sutra very carefully .
- 这是心经里的句子,但是这些话说的是什么呢?
- So says the heart sutra , but what do these lines really say ?
- 如果他们都学会了,你就给他们翻译佛经。
- If they all learned , you gave them the translation buddhist sutra .